Data show that our alumni are obtaining full-time employment in psychology careers that have research and practice components, consistent with our model of training scientist-practitioners, with an emphasis on the science component. Specifically, most alumni seek postdoctoral training (85% over the last 7 years). Of those beyond postdoctoral training, 37% are in primarily academic positions (e.g., universities, medical schools); 14% have full-time research positions; and about 48% have clinical positions (e.g., staff psychologist, independent practice). The most common employment settings are medical centers (39%), academic settings (34%), and other hospital settings (23%) (e.g., children's hospital). Alumni report that research is either a major (55%) or minor (32%) aspect of their current positions and most report that they have presented a paper at a scientific conference (71%) or published (65%) since graduation. In terms of ratings, most alumni (95% - 98.5%) report that the program prepared them well for various research competencies; across the competencies, the median rating for "preparation" was 6.06 (1 = not well prepared, 7 = very well prepared). Alumni also view research training as a program strength, with a mean rating of 6.31 (7-point scale), and report high overall program "satisfaction" with a mean rating of 6.14 (7-point scale).
Our outcome data also indicate that we are preparing alumni for psychology careers that have clinical components. As noted above, for alumni beyond postdoctoral training, about 48% have clinical positions. Also, 84 - 86% of our alumni report that clinical services (e.g., assessment, treatment) are either a major or minor aspect of their current job activities. Regarding licensure (for alumni more than 2-years post-degree), 96% are licensed. Further, 71% of the alumni who are 1 to 2 years post-degree have already become licensed. These rates of licensure are high, especially for a graduate program that also trains individuals for research-oriented careers. Finally, most alumni (90.8% - 100%) report that the program prepared them well for various practice competencies. Across our practice competency items, the median rating of preparation was 5.93 (1 = not well prepared; 7 = very well prepared). These data indicate that the alumni feel the program prepared them well for clinical practice.
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